Just a quick howdy <3

So I am out watering this morning and look at these guys still showing off. This is the best they have looked all summer.
Watering is now a daily task, because what is the deal with mums????
I water so that the pot feels heavy and the next day it is bone dry. And no, the water is not seeping out the bottom. This isn’t my first rodeo with mums.
Our summer flowers are starting to look a bit puny but a few of them seem to have a last gust of vigor.
And yes…this is the shortest, least impacting post I have ever written, but I have reasons and I just wanted to make sure if you stopped by today, you had a greeting and something to make you smile.
Have a great day.
Enjoy the sunshine.
Go check your garden, there may be some surprises as we kiss summer goodbye <3