
Just a little rest stop today on the Journey <3


Happy Friday!

I really don’t have anything earth moving to say this morning, but felt like I wanted to at least have something here if someone stops by. 

This season is one of my favorites and is so sadly brief. The crisp days don’t linger nearly long enough, the leaves turn and vanish far too quickly and those bursts of days that feel like summer has returned always interfere with fully enjoying autumn. 


There are those who say we can’t complain, but I beg to differ. We can. Maybe it is better to say we “shouldn’t” complain.

I want to finish putting out what we term “fall decoration” in our house, even though not many but us will see or appreciate them. They are old familiar bits of pumpkins and leaves that are kind of special to us.


I did bring out the tubs and a few pieces have found a place around the table tops and mantel. It may be time to give myself an hour to finish up and be done. 

There is pumpkin bread to make and soup recipes to be pulled back out. There are walks to be taken and times to just sit on the porch before the chairs go into hibernation in November. 


Yesterday we were driving back home from dropping the grands off and we passed a stately row of trees that are unremarkable eleven months out of the year. But as the setting sun spotlighted them in that marvelous light that showcases the yellows, oranges and reds emerging. 

I told Russ I love that row of trees and forget every year until this time how truly beautiful they are. 

Seasons are like that. Fresh snow and ice frosted branches are the crown of winter. Those ridiculously showy buds that bloom everywhere in the spring. Dazzling displays of color as the sun rises and sets in the summer. 


Seasons in life, seasons in our days, full of a lot of ordinary and bursts of extraordinary. And all are really wonderful, if you stop and think about it for a while. 

I hope you have a blessed and happy weekend. 

You are dearly loved <3

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