
In passing, a sweet reminder of the fragility of life <3

Yesterday there was rain in the forecast starting after lunch. We decided to get out early and attempt as many of the trails around this area as we could squeeze in before the drops made these red paths too slippery for our footing. 

While it was not hot and sunny, we were comfortable and enjoyed navigating the unusual terrain and taking in more of the beauty that is Sedona. 

After we had our fill of it all and were beginning to think it was time to find a lunch spot, we made our way back to the parking lot. We faced groups just starting out as we went along. 

As we approached a set of makeshift steps made of chunks of rock, a man was coming down sipping his coffee as he worked down the precarious stone steps. A ways behind him came a woman of the same age, also toting a take out coffee. 

We were crossing paths as she ascended and I was watching where I placed my feet when I heard her say something to me. 

She was looking right at me and said let our words that sounded like the irony that they were headed to the Deadman’s Pass Trail since this was his last hike for life. I looked behind us and saw him standing at the trail head, raising his cup as he looked at the signs pointing to different trails. 

If you don’t know this yet, I am known for giving out some kind of open invitation to strangers to strike up a conversation, ask me a question I will definitely not know the answer to, and the spilling of stories from the hearts of people in passing. 

I wasn’t quite sure I heard her correctly so I turned back and took her arm and asked her to repeat what she had said. 

Tears welled as she said he had Stage Four cancer. The prostate kind. He had waited too long to be diagnosed and now it was just a matter of time and not much of it as she had been told. She looked at Russ and warned him to get checked annually. 

She said he had wanted to do these trails so they were doing as many as they could. I told her I was so sorry and prayed God would bless their hike and their time and her husband. 

And I cried. 

Because life is fragile. 

I just saw a quote this week that said: 

Time is the only currency you spend without ever knowing your balance. Youssef Kromah (I don’t know who he is or his other writings but this hit me when I read it.)

There is truth in that statement and one we would be wise to remember. 

My frequent prayer comes from Psalm 90:12. A simple prayer for us to pray:

Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 

I will think of this couple in the days ahead and pray for them. 

I will be thankful for each day. 

I will try to remember that I do not know the balance in my account of time, but God does and I will pray He continues to show me how to make the most of it for Him and for HIs Kingdom. 

Have a blessed weekend as you love your people well <3

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