If you are in a holding pattern…and really, aren’t we all, at some point on something, just waiting….. <3

Before we even launch into the book, let’s talk about the cover.
What do you see?
a. A tab pull ticket like you get at the bakery to wait your turn
b. A wolf or fox
Let me assure you, whichever you chose you will never be able to unsee choice b.
So now about the book and the author.
I met Tricia Lott Williford at the conference she developed called The Pen and the Page. I would say it is a writer retreat and it renewed in my the love of just putting my thoughts down and then figuring out what was meant to share and what was just for me.
Tricia is one of the most kind and charming people, let alone writers, I have ever encountered. While the conference definitely was a Christian based conference, in the book I learned the every day, nitty-gritty faith of this woman.
As a young wife and mom, her husband developed flu-like symptoms that involved a trip to the ER. They sent him home saying he would be very sick, but he wouldn’t die. They were right about one thing. He was very sick.
In a few short days she was a widow with two boys aged three and five.
Always a writer, she turned to her journals to work through the grief at a local Starbucks where she eventually became a barista.
There she met Peter who is now her husband and the father to those two boys. While she was working through her grief, Peter was facing the consequences of a lifelong battle with alcohol.
This book weaves their two stories together while sharing the most beautiful and sweet and hope-filled story of journey of faith in the “waiting.”
I highly, highly, highly recommend it.
Her style is funny and poignant and intelligent and healing
She has written several books and I plan to read more.
Here is link to book, conference and her website: