I missed you <3
If you stopped by yesterday, I took a personal day…but I did think of you.
Honest I did.
It’s not that I had writer’s block – actually I have not experienced writer’s block yet.
What I experience are time blocks…and road blocks…and “how in the world do I know which of these dozen ideas hopping around in my brain are what You want to say, God?” blocks.
So I pray…what to say and how to say it…but yesterday it seemed silence was the best choice.
Silence and quiet are of short commodity in this world.
Televisions play in waiting rooms and even over my head as they clean my teeth.
People are constantly on cellphones or plugged into headphones.
We have satellite radio so we don’t have a lull between stations when traveling.
A moment of silence at a ballgame or even in the middle of a church service can seem awkward and lasts F.O.R.E.V.E.R.
And I am finding that along with the running dialogue that goes on in my head all the time…
which involves a replay of the last few conversations I have had, plus what I should have/could have/wish I had said, plus how I will handle what I think might happen, plus what I need to do, plus a dual pep-talk and surrender speech all going on a loop…
my ears have developed a low, dull ringing that tests assure me is just another delight of getting…gulp…older.
And so silence….being quiet before the Lord…to hear the still…small…voice…
takes effort and intention and concentration.
But it is sooooo worth it.
As the heavens are higher than the earth…so are My ways higher than your ways…and my thoughts more elevated than your thoughts…Isaiah 55:9

If you will look for me with your complete and whole heart…you will find Me…Jeremiah 29:13
In quietness and confidence … this is where you will find your strength…Isaiah 30:15
Just stop…be still and cease striving…and simply KNOW…that I am your Elohim…your God …. I will be exalted…lifted up above the noise and tumult…above the spinning thoughts of your own thinking and the noise of this world…so be silent before Me…rest in Me… based on Psalm 46
May we each find moments of peace and quiet during the busy-ness of business here on planet earth.
In the silence, I pray you do not hear ringing in your ears…but the song of your Abba Father sung sweetly over your life today.
Good words.
I truly pray for when I can listen and NOT have a ringing in my ears. The tinnitus is very difficult to bypass, especially in silence. That is why I usually have some music playing very softly in the background when I am in prayer. I love to just play my guitar while praying too. I haven’t decided if drinking coffee has made my tinnitus worse or not…
Oh Kenny – you are a musician…I can only imagine how irritating this ringing is. It truly is most unpleasant and often distorts the praise music at church when they are playing loudly. Makes me sad. But Kenny…don’t take my coffee away…right??? Simple pleasures. If it makes you feel better – I did go have all kinds of tests done and they had me take out coffee and salt…and it didn’t change it. Praying for you and me and all those who experience this <3
Thank you for that was the I was felling yesterday. That I just needed quiteness and some timet to pull thoughts together.
Must have been that kind of day <3