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I am slow at returning from my fast <3


Well, this has been an interesting week as I stepped back from both the blog and social media.

I definitely learned some things about the amount of time those take up in my day and to be frank with you, I am having a little awkward pause trying to get back into it.

I will say I thought about you daily because you are a part of my weekly routine and in my absence, I would pray for the unknown and a few known faces on the other side of this screen.

I have somewhere to be in just a little while, so to kick off my return I thought I would just share some random stuff from this past week.

Grab a coffee or a cup of tea..or water…or whatever and we can have a quick chat…

First off, last Monday I got a whim to finally follow through on all my big talk about chalk painting two corner cabinets in our kitchen.

Let’s just say there is a reason the Lord did not call me to a decorating blog…


This is a split screen of the same cabinet…the one on the right is my first attempt made on Monday… too blue…the one on the left is the redo…just right.

Except for the part where it makes the walls look to yellow so guess what we will be painting next…

On Thursday I spent the day with Fab Four and Joely wanted a picnic.

Since it was anything but warm out, we made do with an indoor party for two…


Note to self, do not serve Cheetos on a white fluffy blanket.

No worries, just off screen is Lola armed with several wet wash cloths and towels.

After school there was beaucoup excitement because the book order had arrived that day and…


we now have an almost complete set of “Who Would Win” books.

Life is good.


On Sunday Russ and I went down to St Louis to visit Sarah.

It was a beautiful day but I only managed to take a few pictures…one of which was this charming table before they brought our brunch…


And then Sarah took this one…


which made me all kinds of happy and may be finding a frame for it to go on that newly painted shelving unit <3

Yesterday Rachel brought the crew down for the day and it was a perfect Spring Break kind of adventure.

We took them to the Children’s Museum where they spent hours and had a blast and wore us out…

so Graham and Emmett made couches and I snapped this picture…


which was super cute except Graham’s face is a little shaded by that other team’s hat and so I asked him to take it off and he was sweet to oblige.

So I took another and Joel must have thought he wasn’t smiling enough because this happened…


And if we ever took a picture where at least one person wasn’t making a goofy face, we wouldn’t know what to do with it.

Best. Days. Ever.


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