How yesterday’s post happened….<3

This is us at the end of the day when we hustled to get to practice only to find out it was canceled.
It kind of sums up the days of our lives lately.
So yesterday when I felt this burning desire to type out what had been on my heart since Sunday morning, I set up the laptop and was typing while a tent was being built around me by three boys, two sporting various superhero costumes.
In the middle of making ice pops…

and doing manicures and running arts and crafts…

I poured out my heart and came oh so close to deleting it.
I felt like it was too much. Too raw. Too honest.
But it touched a chord in so many of you and I am so glad I hit publish instead.
The posts that hit home with a lot of people, and I humbly say…both men and women which never fails to blow me away…are usually the ones I battle with God about sharing. Thank you to everyone who commented or shared.
All that to say, I am quite certain God has things He is working in and through you that may seem risky. I hope and pray you have come to know His voice well enough that you can recognize it in a debate with Him. I hope you can discern what is your voice, a voice out there in the world, a voice that is trying to steal your joy and the voice of your good Shepherd.
Keep talking to Him. Keep listening for what He has to say. He is never in a hurry or panic. He speaks directly in a way you can understand and you know that you know when you hear it <3
God bless you.
Here is a verse I found on my daily calendar when I got home last night – maybe it will help you like it did me:
It is based on the passages about the armor of God from Ephesians 6 and there is no reference for who wrote it but it was not me…just some other servant who said, “Speak Lord, I am listening.”
Here is the passage:
For my belt I will strap on God’s Truth. I will protect my heart with the body armor of righteousness. For my shoes I will put on a readiness to spread the Good News of peace found only in God. I will shield myself against Satan’s attacks by holding onto faith. My helmet is confidence in God’s saving work in me. As a sword I will grip the Word of God. The battle will be vicious, but at the end of the day, when the dust settles and the smoke clears, I will be standing!
Fierce Love desk calendar July 20 Dayspring
Laura, Thanks I needed that, we all face every day ups and downs but if we shield our selves in the true armor of god we are granted victory over all our ups and down and like F. Scott Keys we will still be flying when the daily battles are over. Thanks again
So true! God holds us upright in the most difficult times and He holds us steady when things are going great. He is faithful!