How to respect the rhythm of summer when your life basically remains unchanged <3
Back in the day, I knew what to do with summer.
We put the backpacks in the hall closet, dug out the towels and the pool bag and we enjoyed.
We did the summer reading programs and ball games and applied sun screen and mosquito repellant liberally.
We complained about how hot it was outside and how cold it was in the restaurants and mall.
We stayed up late and moved slow in the mornings.
Well…by “we” I mean me and the three little R’s, because one of us just kept getting up and going to work every morning like aways, just in a hotter car.
So as the kiddo’s vacated the premises … “summer vacation” lost some of its meaning for me.
Because for a stay-home mom with an empty nest…well…nothing really changes except the too hot outside/too cold inside part…and I have had to learn a new way to embrace the rhythm of summer.
I have to be intentional in being present in this season or I would literally turn the air up way too high, crawl under a blanket and pretend like we were having an upside down winter.
Because heat and humidity change me.
And not for the better.
Summer is not my season once you remove the daily pool outing and night time ball park sitting.
So if you are like me and struggle…here are some ways I have found to be thankful for this season like I am the other three more civil ones.
Remember these are all just little things I tweak about our regular routine so that summer feels more relaxed and fun.
I don’t do them legalistically because … well…that would take away the easy-breezy point, right?
So here we go…
<3 I like to make sure I have my own version of a summer reading program. Selecting a couple of books I “have been meaning to read” and then taking time in the afternoon to stop and just read a chapter or two feels like a luxury.
<3 While we seem to have an abundance of summer month birthday’s in our family, there are no major holidays calling for decorations. I can stick a couple of flags out every other week, put up something red, white and blue on the kitchen counter and we are good to go. Bless that! It’s a great time to pare down the extra knick-knacks and clutter and stream line decorating…which as a bonus means less dusting!! Woot!!
<3 When running errands, I somewhat force myself to take my time. I pack an icy drink or plan an iced tea stop as a treat. While I can procrastinate the heck of a to do list at home, I am hyper-efficient when it comes to errand running. So in summer, I really do make an effort to slow down and let my focus wander a little. An extra few minutes chatting with the person behind the counter, a wee bit of window shopping or going down an aisle featuring items that are not on my list provides a needed break from always trying to make the most of every second that characterizes busier seasons.
<3 Sitting outside in the mornings to do coffee and quiet time is another treat for myself. The sound of birds chirping and the morning breeze give the feel of being somewhere different and allows me time to thank God more for His creation.
<3 Planning early morning or late evening walks ensures exercise with the promise of a little less heat working against me. Neighbors are out and it is a nice way to connect with the people who live in the area.
<3 I got a bike last year and it has rejuvenated me! I feel like a little girl when I am on it. Caution tho…I feel every bit my age when I get off…
<3 Less fuss in fixing my hair (what’s the point in the Midwest …am I right??) and dinner (salads and the grill are where dinner will be found) also bring a sense of relief from routine.
<3 Find some friends who L.O.V.E. summer and feed off their enthusiasm. I like to check in on a few of my sun-loving, garden-digging, boat-riding friends and glob onto their joy in this season that is not my #1 pick.
So there you have it…
my little attempts to offset my lack of love for parts of the summer that are not my favs….what about you?
Do you love summer?
Or do you just get by?
Sure would enjoy sitting across from you with an….Iced Coffee…and hear your story <3
I love having your perspective pour over me, Laura. As a mom who is right at the beginning of “pool outings” in the day and “baseball sitting” in the evenings – hearing your perspective from the other side is always fascinating and somehow makes us feel connected. You have been where I sit and someday, I will be where you sit now. I love that. Sometimes I wish we could have a “Freaky Friday moment.” But, that’s a whole other thing! Until then, I love reading your messages as they help me appreciate where I am and look forward to where I am going…
This blesses me more than you could know. I started this in the early stages of having the empty nest season because I loved the support of blogs, but couldn’t find anything out there for THIS time…I love reading some of the mommy bloggers and seeing where they are and how they are dealing with parenting in this current culture. It helps me understand younger moms and feel the sisterhood we need so much across generations. I hoped that my perspective might help young moms understand their own moms and also “call back to them” (a phrase from a poem…call back to me…let me know I will make it…kind of thing.) So to hear you say this…answered prayer <3 Thank you - bless you <3 We need each other...on the front and back of this whole journey <3
Hey! First off, I’m having difficulty with the ‘Like’ button 🙁 It won’t accept. But anyway, I don’t thrive on the summer heat unlike a neighbor of mine who LOVES it. I’ve always been totally drained after a couple hours at a pool. I do enjoy summer in spite of all the heat, but not as much as I do spring; which we all apparently missed this year. Walking in beautiful nature areas is definitely a great place to enjoy quiet time while slowing our pace and appreciating the creative God we love and serve. Not working during the summer is awesome, so that’s a huge reason to be extra thrilled with it. I’ll see you sometime at the store and bring some summer cheer right along with me to throw your way!! Enjoy your day!
I don’t know what’s up with the “like” button…but thanks for liking and returning and responding!!! You always seem so cheerful, would never know you didn’t love summer and those flowers you grow!! Beautiful gifts to so many <3 I always look forward to your visits and bring cheer all year....kind of poetic there <3