How it is supposed to be with God <3

Rachel sent me this sweet picture yesterday of how nap time ended up for this posse.
Joel is transitioning from his crib to the big boy bed and he is also an escape artist, so he joined his mommy and little sis on the couch for a cartoon and ended up succumbing to his sleepy side.
He has adapted well to sharing his baby status with our little miracle surprise and certainly does love his mommy right now.
He rarely misses an opportunity to snuggle up next to her when he is needing some hugs.
I told Rachel he helps me understand what David was saying in Psalm 131.
A Song of Ascents, listen to the attitude of the heart of this King of Israel…
O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me. Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, my soul is like a weaned child within me. verse 1 &2
Joel is the picture of this.
His mommy is no longer needed for his nourishment but his little soul needs her nearness intermittently throughout the day.
Sometimes when he bumps his head.
Sometimes when he is tired or frustrated.
and sometimes….
just because.
In the hustle and bustle of the festivities we are entering…we will have moments when we need to assume the position of a weaned child.
Moments when we need to say…
we are not proud or haughty….
we do not need to engage in every table discussion and Black Friday melee to save a bundle on that Christmas list.
We don’t need to have all the answers to our helpful guests about what we want to do with the leftovers that are now spilling out of the refrigerator and do we wash the unused silverware or put back in the drawer?
We can choose in the frantic moments when we are stretched thin and out of courtesy, tact and answers…to take a deep breath and rest against our Father.
Wanting nothing more than to just simply lean onto Him and draw comfort and solace in Him.
Be blessed as you do this thing well for His glory – whatever your holiday looks like – and remember to tell your soul to rest <3