Holy Week – Resurrection Sunday <3
We are here my friends!
I sit this Easter morning of 2018 perched on a twin bed in our son’s apartment in Austin, Texas.
The same twin bed frame my dad refinished to match the other and put up for my sister and me after a warehouse fire consumed our stored furniture as we waited for housing on an airbase fifty plus years ago.
I woke up many an Easter morning in this bed, and some of the Reimer kids have as well.
Tears of deep emotion pour from my eyes as my soul rejoices with the thought of all the Easter mornings….all the Resurrection Sundays that have been celebrated since the first.
I think of first Easter morning when the earth shook and angels greeted the women and then sleepy-eyed disciples.
I think of their confusion and the running back and forth to tell what they had seen.
I allow myself to imagine God watching all these disciples discover the absolutely best ending … and beginning….ever.
I always say He has a sense of humor and must delight to watch His children discover His heart.
I can imagine He smiled a bit as He observed them trying to process all that had taken place.
He is like that still…
Watching us stumble into what we think we can fix and finish only to meet Him alive, well and fixing us.
Time and again.
For time and eternity.
Oh, brothers and sisters…family of God…I sit here listening to the birds chirping and though the sky is not bursting forth this morning, my heart is.
I think of dear ones now with the Lord and I rejoice.
I think of precious friends and family around the world, some already hard at work rehearsing the last notes of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”…some getting the coffee started in the kitchen at home or the kitchen at church….some watching little ones scramble around in pj’s and sporting major bedhead looking for a basket and some eggs before they wrestle them into all manner of finery to head off to worship on this blessed day.
I think of my husband heading out to drive through cold rain to sit with the likes of this…
Somewhere high above us, a daughter flying over the morning skies from Europe to return home and then there is a son snoozing hard on his couch just on the other side of this wall here because he gave his mom the bed.
We will go to his new church this morning, and while I don’t know anyone but him, I will feel right at home with God’s people as we celebrate.
I will fight back messy tears of joy as sweet faces I love float in front of me and all under the Precious Face of the Lamb who died and rose again <3
I think of tender hearts this morning who will sing the words about the Lord defeating death for the first time this year without one of their parents, or a spouse, or a child.
And while it doesn’t matter if it’s the first year or the fifth or twentieth…that first one is surely a mile marker.
So I thank God for the Risen Christ who holds us all together and close to His heart.
Wherever we are…
whoever you are….
it is and always will be….
So beautiful, our daughter and husband are in the air on their way back from Cabo where they celebrated Steve’s parents 40th wedding Anniversary! I love how you so eloquently state so many of the same thoughts and memories I am thinking of too, Hope you had a fabulous day , hugs
Thanks so much. We do get spread far and wide as our children move into new family celebrations. Thank you for the encouraging words! Thankful they resonated with you this year <3 Hugs right back
As always Laura, a beautiful message. Thank you
Thank you Carol <3 Appreciate you and your sweet encouragement always <3
He is risen!
Enjoy your day with John.
Thank you!!!