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His name is Victory for a reason <3


I have like five minutes to get a note tapped out to you and as I have moved through my morning, I keep asking God what I should send along as a word of encouragement. 

It seems the thing that keeps rising to the surface is what He has been drilling into my mind from Sunday through our final class on Hebrews last night to both of my read-through devotions this morning and it is this.

Our sin, all of us, all of our sins…all of our willful decisions to do things our way because we like how it goes for us when we do and all of our ignorant mistakes when we didn’t know better and now we do stuff…all of it…was paid for on the Cross. 

It was ugly and it was painful and it came at a very high price that we didn’t pay. 

And if you can skate away from that piece of information and say glibly that it doesn’t matter what you do because you live under grace, you have missed the whole point of it. 

In my Gratitude Journal this week, we are exploring things that “awe” us…Things that just overwhelm us. 

There is nothing in all of life and creation that overwhelms me like the knowledge that Jesus Christ, in obedience to the will of the Father, endured not only intense physical pain but the spiritual devastation of complete separation from the Father so that I will be eternally welcomed into His Presence. 

So chew on that today when you think you are being treated unfairly or asked to do more than you want to do or justifying why its ok for you to do that thing or think that thought. 

He didn’t die so we could feel guilty as we continue to live our own way. 

He died so we could be free of guilt and would thus choose to live His way. 

Peace out and I will chat with you tomorrow. 

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