Hello Monday <3
We did some yard work this weekend and by yard work, I mean I learned first hand about the thorny work of trimming roses back…
Among the many thoughts that filled my mind as I attempted, unsuccessfully, to avoid bodily harm were:
<3 Sin, the Fall of Man, and how roses in heaven will not have thorns. Can I get a Hallelujah????
<3 A comparison of how painful one tiny jab of one of those nasty things was compared to a crown of them pressed down on the head of Jesus and how thankful I am for what He endured.
<3 That most people probably just trim their roses without making a life sermon out of it…
<3 How thankful I am I only have to do this once a year.
or once a lifetime if I have these beasts permanently removed from the yard.
Just kidding.
I won’t … but the thought kept me going.
So all that being said, I sat in church yesterday with several scrapes on my forearms, a sore finger and a couple of slices on my ankles that looked like a bad encounter with a mean cat.
And then we did a different version of the Lord’s Prayer and while I stumbled through most of it trying to read the new version while reciting the old in my head…
(trust me, it isn’t easy having this kind of brain to live with because I can overanalyze a sneeze)…
these words caught my thorn-weary heart…
“Forgive us as we forgive those who owe us something”
or as my mind and soul heard it…
Lord, forgive me…
in the same way…
that I forgive..
those people who I feel…
owe me something.
And the Lord worked on my heart there in the quiet of the moment.
Because I saw the capacity of unforgiveness in a different way, even though God’s Word and many a good sermon and teaching have tried to help me see it for what it is.
I realized there are some people that I feel “owe me”…
maybe it’s an apology I am waiting for…
or a thank you…
or a recognition that I was right and they misjudged me.
Maybe it’s to somehow restore something they took from me…my time or my resources, a piece of my heart.
Maybe their choices have now put ugly scars on some of my sweetest moments from the past.
And by golly…they OWE me something to make up for it.
But then I think about what Jesus was telling me in the prayer He taught His disciples.
And all the times I have taken what wasn’t mine and squandered gifts.
All the times I messed up and caused pain.
All the times I clearly saw right from wrong and chose wrong.
All the times I was too busy having fun to even notice I was making a choice.
All the times I was ignorant of what I was doing and yet caused damage to others and to the Kingdom.
And if my being forgiven what I owe depends on my ability to forgive what others owe…ouch.
Such knowledge is a deep thorn cut to the soul for sure.
But it isn’t what convicts my heart of the sin of unforgiveness that I am so prone to commit.
It is the gratitude of the debt that was paid…
for what I owed.
remembering the price paid for my sorry soul…
is what finally breaks the hard places in me that are waiting to be repaid.
My chains are gone…
I’ve been set free…
My God…My Savior…
has ransomed me…
His mercy….
not only RAIN…refresh…renew….revitalize me
me <3
Thanks for sharing this, Laura. Amazing what a tiny shift in perspective can do for a truth we think we understand so well. God is so faithful to answer my prayers, especially the one about revealing to me the places where I need Him to bring more change in my heart. God bless you this day, and may the Joy of the Lord be your strength!
Amen Susan. I just listened to a wonderful sermon yesterday at grace360.org from this past Sunday. He talked about how if we are “bored” with our walk and think we have gotten it all, the problem is not with our God but with us. We need to go ever deeper. Love that. Blessings on you today sister! <3