
Happy Labor Day <3


Happy Labor Day!

I debated posting on a holiday, but when I don’t post…I get an email from the server that says they are so sorry but couldn’t find any new content to send out. This makes me feel sad because we all know…I like to check off those boxes…so here are some thoughts on this American holiday to celebrate those who work all the jobs that keep us up and running. 

For me, Labor Day marks the definitive end of summer…white pants are now being stowed away until Memorial Day…and memories of parades and the time my dad took me to downtown Louisville where we visited booth after booth celebrating those who work trade jobs. 

Both sides of my family came from immigrant stock and worked any jobs that kept food on the table and clothes on the backs of their children. Hard and honest work is wired into us and so I was delighted on this Labor Day morning to read that God also honors that. 

In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet declares God’s thoughts toward a variety of godless nations and here is what was said of Moab:

Moab has always taken it easy – lazy as a dog in the sun, never had to work for a living, never faced any trouble, never had to grow up, never once worked up a sweat. Jeremiah 48:11-12

Often it seems we envy those who don’t seem to have to work. “Born with a silver spoon in his mouth” we might say, with envy. 

But in truth, there is not a better feeling than finishing a job you have put effort into. 

Rest and refreshment are sweeter if they are the icing on the cake and not the entire menu of our daily lives. 

Even as Russ has retired and we are adjusting to a life that is not including ten plus hours of a day “working” – it is important for both of us to continue the discipline of living productive and serving lives. 

So today we thank God for the gift of “work” and we thank Him for those who do all the variety of jobs that make our days go more smoothly. 

God bless and if you are having work on this Labor Day (oh, the irony)…a huge thank you for what you do <3

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