Gates and such
From time to time, Russ and I talk about the idea of moving to a different house. We don’t actually do anything about it, we just mention it and then usually look at all the …uh…treasures we have tucked away in every single available closet and cabinet and shelf and I think the idea of actually packing it and moving it is too much to comprehend. We start pointing out all the things we love about this house and that’s about as far as it gets.
So yesterday we took a bold step and actually went to an open house.
It was a beautiful home and we did like much about it. It was very different from the house we have lived in for the longest we have ever lived in a house. When we got home, I almost felt like I had cheated on our house…is that a thing?
We really didn’t talk a whole lot about it, but at one point Russ asked me if I could picture myself living in that house. It is a good question.
I let myself imagine our furniture, our life, US … waking up, reading, entertaining, doing the things of every day… in that new place.
And I could, all except for one thing…the exposure.
A large portion of the back of the house had wide open glass. These looked out on an open area with no houses, so a beautiful view…and it looked so pretty when we were there, open and full of light….but when I thought about that part, it was getting dark outside our own house as evening fell.
I thought about how I would feel when night came outside of all that openness….how I would not be able to see what was out there, but whatever was out there could see me. I sensed the feeling of being unprotected and vulnerable and exposed.
And no. No. I don’t think I can picture living in that house.
This morning, I am thinking about another kind of darkness that exists out there in the world, all the time.
I am thinking how we, as followers of Christ, need to have open hearts and open lives to pour out the love of God that has been poured in.
But I am also thinking that maybe we need to be careful that we have put up some gates. Some things that let Him pour out, but do not let the world pour in.
How’s your heart? Have you guarded it today to keep it pure before the Lord?
How can we pray for one another to be IN the world…but not OF the world?
God bless you today as you wrestle with your own thoughts regarding gates and such.
And while you do, remember…He is the Gate and the Gate Keeper <3