
Gaining the right perspective in prayer <3


This may be a remix of one I wrote a long time ago – from a note in my phone from January 2015. I can’t remember if I ever wrote the post or just made a note to do it …so here it is today.

As we are praying for healing for someone, often we are praying out of a desire to relieve misery. Theirs and ours. 

We do not like to see loved ones suffer. 

We do not like the pain watching them suffer brings us. 

So we pray fervently for healing. 

But as we quiet ourselves in the presence of God and listen, we hopefully will begin to see our loved one and ourselves from His perspecive.

And it will change our prayers.

Because He is sovereign. 

Because He is God. 

Because He loves our loved ones more than we ever could. 

Because He is good and because He is worthy to be blessed and honored in the healing. 

I wrote this many years ago when I was praying for the healing of someone I love dearly after meditating on Psalm 73 and 74. 

In the car last night I rode in silence purposefully quieting my heart before the Lord like Job did and in my heart I finally came to this place, honestly and intentionally –

I want you better FOR GOD.

I want you spiritually whole and joy-filled FOR GOD.

Literally to bless God.

Literally to BE to the praise of His Glory.

Literally as a pleasure to God.

Peace settled.

I am waiting on God. 

from my journal notes January 2015

I pray for you who may be reading this…

wherever you are today…

whoever you are praying for…

that you will come together in unity with the only God our Father and pray to Him, by the Spirit in the Name of Jesus to know HIs heart and to pray His will for those you love <3

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  1. Laura,,I often pray, in these circumstances , for God to heal them so that He can be glorified and for the person he heals to draw closer to Him and know Him as He is. What are your thoughts on this? Is it “ right” to pray in this way? ❤️

    1. I could not say more firmly that this is a most Christ-like way to pray! I would say God has given you His mind and heart and words to go with it that you can pray <3 I think you will be rejoicing in heaven to see the way He answered that prayer over and over for so many <3

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