Friday Funday <3
We are getting things pulled together for a short end of summer vacation, and I have been working on posts for another “grown up VBS series” for the blog that will run next week…so with all that going on, I thought I would just share a light story to maybe make you chuckle and get you on your way to whatever your weekend looks like.
Two weeks ago, we got to have the older two boys here for an overnight.
I went up to get them and since we were heading this way around lunch time, we got Happy Meals at the drive through. The boys were settled in the back seat with their drinks in the car tray and as they munched on chicken nuggets and french fries, conversation just flowed.
At one point I asked if either of them knew anything about a stack of post-it-notes I had found completely taken apart on one of the beds in a guest room following the whole family’s visit the previous Sunday.
Graham’s response indicated he had no idea what I was even talking about; but Emmett, without missing a beat or a chew, replied….”You mean the little squares of blue, pink, and green paper that were all stuck together in a stack and were taken apart on the bed in my room? It wasn’t me.”
uh huh. right.
Couple things there…”my room” is the room he has claimed as his when they come to our house and he spends a lot of time in there “just thinking.”
And second…he seemed to have a lot of detailed information logged in his memory about the event.
I asked if he was sure he didn’t do it but no…it must have been Joel. Who was conveniently absent that day to bear testimony of his guilt or innocence.
So I just said, well…God knows who did it, but I would appreciate it if it didn’t happen again.
As soon as we got to our house, Emmett disappeared to visit “his room” and in a few minutes came to get me.
I had pulled the stack off the bed and just dumped them on the desk top in there to deal with later. He had gone looking for them and had reassembled them into a neat stack for me.
I have no idea if he did it, or Joel did it and while I certainly hope he was telling the truth…I have laughed my head off so many times.
I will probably never use a post-it-note again without this story popping up and making me laugh.
A popular phrase right now is “doing life together” and for me that is the tapestry of stories gleaned from moments shared with friends and family.
I pray today you have some post-it-note laughs tied to some of your ordinaries and when you get those flashes that make you giggle, just take time to thank God for your people.
I am thankful for each of you and for the connection we can make here each week.
Be blessed this weekend as you rest and refresh.
And please, please…join me next week for Grown Up VBS 2018…the theme is … Battles <3