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Free indeed <3

PC/Rachel Maxwell <3

I am so glad you came by again today! 

And guess what…I am in a hurry and trying to cram a bunch of stuff in before we head north…so business as usual here on the journey. 

But I wanted to drop a quick thought here as we work our way through the passages of this series from 2 Samuel 22. 

We live, as you may be aware of, in a time when any part of our human story that is flawed or offensive begs to be wiped out; erasing any evidence proving our sinful bent as a people.  

I am so thankful God did not spare any of the raw and ugly details of King David’s life and yet, continued to refer to him as “a man after God’s own heart.”

Because each and every one of us has moments, days, seasons of our lives that gave way to our fallen nature with flourish. 

We all have things done out in public and in the darkest recesses of our hearts that, should they be played on one of those big screens in Times Square, would make us run for cover and pray for the earth to swallow us whole. 

And God saw every one and yet He loved us enough to offer us a covering for our sin and shame through the blood of His own Son. 

So when David says in 2 Samuel 22:21: 

The LORD has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands He has rewarded me.


We might consider this a man who has forgotten some major sin issues (ahem…Bathsheba/Uriah/the census/poor parenting skills/quite a few wives….among other things)

OR ….

We might consider this a man who confessed his sins each time conviction hit him up hard and who sought forgiveness for them AND who believed God when told he was forgiven. 

Perhaps being a man or woman after God’s own heart isn’t about being perfect, but about bowing before God and acknowledging who He is, even as we acknowledge our own humanity and fallen nature. 

In the context of every word of David recorded, he obviously placed every shred of his existence on the goodness and mercy and character of God… 


and most importantly, the gift of salvation offered through Him to us. 

It is not boastful to declare you are made righteous through the blood of Christ.

It is the ultimate boasting in the LORD to say He forgave you and thus, you are forgiven. 

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free…let’s walk in that freedom every day as we….

journey onward

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