For the beauty of the earth <3 (to borrow a line....)

A couple of thoughts to share on this mid-July Monday.
First of all, I do not recommend beginning the book of Ecclesiastes on the heels of your 63rd birthday particularly when you are prone to melancholy and no stranger to the stark reality that time is precious and we are fragile.
Ask me how I know?

But start it I did this morning and I do appreciate the commentary portions added by Eugene Peterson in his study bible.
Because while Solomon’s words tend to fuel any tendency toward depression…ie, all of life is basically meaningless…Peterson continues to throw the Gospel in between these lines.
He reminds us faithfully that while yes, all that is temporal is basically going to end up leaving us with nada…when we remember God as our Creator and Maker and Sustainer and Savior…all that is of value in the temporal is transformed or refined into eternal and all that is of waste is burned away, washed away, forgiven and redeemed.
Second, on Saturday I was invited to spend the day with this one….

She wanted to take me to lunch and some places she knew I would like as my birthday gift.
We went to a garden of breathtaking beauty. The pictures throughout post are just a few I took.
I was undone by the unique blooms and pods and colors.

And like Peterson, I just kept worshipping God for He is so amazingly creative and artistic and I cannot even imagine how wonderful it will be one day to be fully and completely perfected to stand in His presence.
While these pictures are lovely, they are not the same as you going out into all that God has made and seeing His handiwork with your own eyes.
I pray for you to see with fresh vision all that He has made and it would bring you to a place of deepened love for Him.
He loves you so much <3
Have a blessed day, you beautiful part of creation, you…
What a wonderful way to spend a day, in the presence of the Lord and His creation, with a creation of your own beside you. God Bless Laura xx
It was the best of gifts to be sure <3