Football palooza is in the books <3

So we took a road trip to Wisconsin this weekend and instead of Friday Night Lights at one of the local high schools…we packed an array of fanwear into the trunk and headed out after work to embrace our inner Cheesehead.
We stopped for dinner…

and learned that even Subway are Packer backers.
We met up with our friends who had planned and then hosted this amazing weekend of fun…and after enjoying the most delicious Wisconsin sausage…and of course…cheese…
we headed to bed so we could hit the ground running bright and early for…

the Badger game.
We toured around Madison a bit…

before heading the stadium.
If you have never been to a game at the University of Wisconsin, I highly recommend it .

Of course, I acted like I knew all about Camp Randall…but hesitated slightly to pass under that eagle because without my glasses…I thought the words under his feet said “Old Age”…and I was not inclined to want to go through to the other side…but on closer inspection…i believe it says Old Abe.
And really…I was caught up in a sea of red and white bodies by that time so I had no choice…

It really was quite an experience to be a part of a stripe out…

even if some people didn’t get the memo…

nice guy though…even if he is misdirected in his loyalties.
The whole atmosphere of the game was incredibly fun…

and don’t let those empty seats fool you. That’s the student section and they tend to be a late arriving crowd on morning game days.
All the classwork and studies from the week must have led them to sleep in a little.
Or something like that.
We did have a brief shower…

that did nothing to dampen our enthusiasm. Though it did prove detrimental to my hair but all in all…

Wisconsin beat Michigan…we had a blast and it was a great day that ended with the next leg of travel to “the Mother Ship”…

We arrived before sunset and enjoyed walking around the area surrounding the stadium, though I forgot to change in my Packer wear…

but at least I had the right state.

While we only had a brief spell of drizzle on Saturday, Sunday proved to be a bit soggy…

so we took cover under one of the Green Bay landmarks and plotted the course of our day.
First stop was a picture of us in front of Lambeau before the humidity completely killed our hair…

Then I had my first official Cheese head sighting…

and found the famous “Ultimate Packer Fan” who was named in the top 25 fans recognized by ESPN in 2013 …

I know this because I have his business card now.
And of course we had to do our version of the Lambeau Leap…

Which I am thankful I could not see Russ’s face as we were taking the picture or I would have collapsed in a fit of laughter to the point of tears.
Thankfully I saved that for the walk to the other side of the stadium where…
the next stop was to get one of those cool rain jackets because when in Green Bay…

As our friend Marcee said, when the rains would start up pretty heavy inside the stadium the fans never got up to leave…they just shifted positions, set their beverages down and commenced to putting on ponchos…
Go Pack Go…

It was a great game and the fans and the players did not disappoint…

We beat the…

had another Best. Day. Ever.
and as we bid a fond farewell to Wisconsin, God painted this over the landscape…

and we know the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow is found when friends make weekend memories that keep you laughing all the way into the Mondays of life <3