Five Randoms that won’t change your life, but may make you smile <3

Well, well, well…It looks like we have arrived at another Wednesday and I happen to have accumulated some randoms for you. So let’s waste no time…

Random #1

On our visit to St. Louis, we made a brief stop at Sarah’s house to check out the newly installed front porch. They have been painting and it looks so nice. We went inside and sat for a bit and she offered us a cup of tea. 

She brought me a steaming cup of tea with a splash of oat milk.

Delicious is not even an adequate word for what I sipped. It was like sitting in the most comfortable chair with just the right amount of of sunshine and light breeze playing through the air whilst surrounded by pots of incredibly beautiful flowers. 

She had made iced tea for her dad and they were talking about bergamot and such. So I asked her what kind of tea I had and she said same as her dad, Earl Grey. I asked where the bergamot came in and discovered a new lesson. 

I thought Earl Grey was just a black tea with a fancy name. But no. It actually has bergamot in it and let me tell you, I am a fan. A lifelong fan. Bergamot is a very bitter citrus fruit, but the extracted oil can be used to flavor foods such as the black tea in Earl Grey. It is a wonderful idea.

My apologies Mr. Grey. I underestimated you for far too long. 

Random #2

Yesterday morning, I discovered a tiny skin tag that had pulled loose right above my breast bone. I have used tea tree oil on these at times and found they help with removal. 

Since I didn’t want the oil to seep onto my shirt, I put a bandaid over it. By mid-afternoon I was having an incredible amount of itching and remembered that except for on my arm or finger, I tend to have a strong reaction to the adhesive in bandaids. 

I immediately removed the offending item. But the itching continued so terribly throughout the day and through the night. It feels and looks like a sunburned patch of skin. This morning when I went to take my shower, it dawned on me that I probably should have washed the area right after I removed the bandage. 

And as quickly as I processed that thought, way too late, it hit me that this is one of those God-lessons for me. 

When something has caused irritation or damage to tender areas of my mind or soul, simply removing the source is not enough. There needs to be a cleansing of the residual goo that was left by the insult. 

The healing goes faster when we take time to make sure the area has been cleared and cleaned of debris that will continue to cause pain and harm. 

If you know, you know. 

Random #3

Regarding Random #2, this was not my first rodeo with having a bad reaction to a bandaid placed on skin that is not accustomed to being out in the elements and hardened with daily exposure to sun, wind and such. 

No, I remembered I have this allergy because I have done the same thing before. Today as I apply hydrocortisone cream and chaff with that burning, itching area, I am fully remembering the last time I did this. 

You would think something this painful and unpleasant would stick in my mind and prevent me from repeating the error.

But no.

No, I went through the whole thing like it was a brand new experience. 

I am not sure when it will click with me. Hopefully, this one is enough to register a warning light in my mind if I attempt such a thing ever again. 

We say it all the time to our little ones. Until the pain of the consequence is greater than the impulse to perform the act, you will not learn your lesson. 

Oh…when your words come back to bite you. 


Random #4

I wanted to have a little birthday party for Russ with the kids, so Caroline and I ordered him a cake last week. That was all I was planning. A cake, some candles, plates and napkins. 

Girlfriend took over. 

She asked for special number candles, balloons and free rein to party plan. 

I gave it all to her. 

I helped her blow up the balloons and then sat back as she developed a game for them. She brought more games up for us to play. She already had made a scavenger hunt for him so as she made her list…yes, she made a list…she added the scavenger hunt in between the balloon festivities and the cake. 

She told me I was to have everyone line up before they came inside and have them sit on the couch. I doubted, but my doubt was proved wrong. 

Everyone complied and she executed the perfect party for Papi. 

I don’t know how long the good Lord will give me to watch her grow to have her own home. I hope He will let me glimpse from time to time to see the hostess she will be some day, should He take me home before she hits her stride. 

But I do feel my work here on earth has brought forth fruit that will bless many a guest who will be invited in the years to come <3

Random #5

I was listening to a short reel on Instagram by a woman who is a few years younger than me, I believe, but speaks into this aging thing that is happening to me and my age mates. 

She was talking about some of the changes to which she is having to adapt. 

Wrinkles, aches and pains, and a few other things that we can all relate to were mentioned. She said she could get used to the wrinkles because it reminds her she has gained some wisdom. And the aches and pains can be alleviated with stretching and exercise. 

But then she said the last one and I had never heard it articulated, but it resonated deep. In a soft voice, she added her last change and offered no further explanation or antidote. She just finished with, “And sometimes I feel invisible.”

I know not everyone who is in my stage of life will understand, but I got this.

When she said that phrase, I had words to put to one of the harder adjustments I have found as I turned the corner and realized that I am, as a dear friend likes to say, in the fourth quarter. He also adds that we are hoping for overtime, but that is another post. 

Sometimes I feel invisible. 

Does that hit you, as it does me? 

It cannot be explained and a pep talk won’t change it. It is a fact of this season. It is not always the case, but there are moments. And in those moments, I have been remembering her quiet statement, not expressed pitifully, just honestly…and I don’t feel so alone. 

Blessings friends. 

You are beautiful and wonderfully made and you are deeply loved by a God who sees you and cares <3

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