Five Randoms from Yesterday
I didn’t get to post yesterday because we were out the door super early. One of the things Russ planned for our spring trip was a ride on this beauty. The Grand Canyon Railway is quite the event and a wonderful way to travel to the South Rim.
Next week, I will give you some more travel log type information from this visit to Arizona, but for today I thought we would use the Random method and share some favorite memories from the day.
Random #1
This was our view out the car window as we drove to Williams from Sedona.
Knowing it would reach 70 back home did nothing to dampen my spirits. The views were Christmas card worthy and we loved every minute of it.
Random #2
I will fill you in more next week about the train ride, but our car had a complimentary snack bar going and coming.
So fun, delicious and you can see I opted to add a protein to my snacky-snacks.
First view of the Canyon for my second time and let me tell you…
The awe and wonder were undiminished.
The emotions welled up in me just like our first visit three years ago and tears poured.
A sweet lady was posing for a photo and wiping her own away as she tried to smile. She saw me and we were kindred spirits.
She blurted out how she just couldn’t stop feeling overwhelmed as she dabbed a tissue to her eyes. I was wiping my own away and nodding because my voice was choked with emotion.
Russ and I walked along the path, stopping every few feet to marvel at the changing view. Every glance reveals something even more amazing.
And then…
Random #4
we heard a young dad, who had ventured out closer to the edge, call back to his wife and son that there was a rainbow.
In his joy, he saw us and motioned for us to come out a few steps and there it was.
I didn’t think I could be more filled with the glory of God’s creation and then He did this.
It was such a gift. It was full and spread wide across the canyon.
My poor phone does not do it justice.
And if that wasn’t enough, we saw another one about an hour later in another place.
Incredible and indescribable.
Well worth having to pull up the hood every now and then for the random showers.
Random #5
In between a few very brief rain drops, we enjoyed some blue skies and enough good weather to have lunch with a perfect view.
Best. Day. Ever.