Five Randoms for your Thursday <3
I didn’t get a post up yesterday because I decided to take a walk after I did my devotions.
and so …..
Random #1
Something ambitious took a hold of me and I kept adding on little extra blocks and suddenly I was on the far side of the surface of the sun. I literally looked at my weather app and it said it was 89 but felt like 99.
Yes. Yes it did.
And I was thirty minutes from home, twenty-eight minutes from meeting the publishing deadline on my website and zero cloud cover nor tree cover between me and my big old Yeti of ice water on the counter.
I made it, but mercy…it took quite a while to cool down.
Random #2
This is the sad state of one of the corn field that borders our neighborhood.
In three different places it looks like someone drove some kind of a vehicle either along the edge of the field or right through it.
What in the world is wrong with people?
I am trying to think how this could possibly seem like a fun and entertaining way to spend your evening.
I also would think it was a bit jarring plowing through the stalks and yet they managed to do it three times at least.
Sigh…get a hobby, people.
Random #3
This is one of my favorite little flower arrangements this year.
It sits on the front step of our house and it makes me smile, so I thought I would share it with you.
The bird house was placed in a fairy garden gift my sweet friend made for me a number of years ago.
Not all of our flowers are fairing as well…some of the petunias are getting spindly and the impatiens are shutting down from all the heat. sigh….I will be sad to see the last of these beautiful flowers providing color around the house.
Random #4
Speaking of plants…
I harvested the first of what I think are three pumpkins for the crop we planted in the spring.
If you don’t know, Russ let the boys smash our pumpkins and they collected the seeds. I planted them in the spring in cups and then moved to the ground. We planted four in this garden and they have just LOVED it.
We have enjoyed watching them blossom and have shared and eaten quite a few of those yummy yellow delicacies. It’s also a hoot to watch the bees wallow in the pollen.
We for sure have two others ripening.
I wouldn’t be disappointed if there was one more, but not planning to dig through the tangle to find them.
Stay tuned.
and finally ….
Random #5
This just makes me laugh and I hope it gives you a giggle too, cause kids are hilarious.
So Emmett was telling me one day how he was saving state quarters.
I told him I come across them from time to time and I would make sure to hold on to them and see if they were any he needed.
He told me that was great and also that he was planning on collecting ten or fifteen of each. Maybe twenty.
I was like…Emmett!! Do you know how much money that is!!!!??????
Good grief.
I told him I was in for one per state and that was my limit.
Gotta give him credit…no pun intended.
Have a great day and I will see you here tomorrow as we wrap up the week <3