Five Random Prayers to kick off September <3
Randoms for Thursday …why not.
There is a feel to September. I have noticed the softening of the sun as the day draws close to ending. There is a pull to think about soups simmering and a cup of tea in the late afternoon. The rhythm of the school year is a relief to those of us who function better within some semblance of a regular schedule.
I have snapped a few photos that capture the feel and am sharing those with some prayers I have been praying as we enter a new season:
Random #1
Lord, teach me to slow down and notice the beauty of the changing season. As I see the fields turning, the harvest ripening, remind me that creation speaks of You. Help me rest between these seasons of summer and winter. Even as we navigate a new sports season and adding back in activities we had to set aside for summer with our grands, remind me to pause frequently and be present in the moment you have given me.
In Jesus’ Name,
Random #2
Father God, as the political climate ramps up, keep me steady in You. The conflict and the rhetoric, the ugly campaigning and the angry words thrown around by so many is wearing. Remind me frequently of Your Sovereignty. Guide me in my reactions, responses, thoughts and words in the midst of the atmosphere created by our selection of leaders. Give me wisdom and renew my hope in Your everlasting love and care for each of us.
In Jesus’ Name
Random #3
Oh Father, help me know how to pray for our family. Give me Your thoughts toward each of them so that I would be praying in agreement with Your will for them. Thank you for each one of them. Thank You for the way You made each one uniquely and yet, in Your image. Give me words of life to speak over them, to speak to them and to speak about them. Fill them with Your Spirit, Lord. Let Him teach them how to live out the life of Christ in the places they live and the people they walk amongst. Help me to be an encouragement to them and grow our relationships deeper and stronger around You.
In Jesus’ Name
Random #4
God, please be with our grandchildren in school. Help them to want to learn. Help them to respect You and the authority of their teachers, administrators and coaches. Father, keep them safe from harm. Give them a desire to know You more. Help them to know how to be good family members and good friends, good students and good athletes. Strengthen them in their inner being to resist temptations of selfishness and retaliation. When they are treated unfairly, Lord, remind them of our blessed Savior who asked forgiveness for those who didn’t understand who He was. Raise them to be leaders of righteousness and truth. Help them to find strong mentors and friends to help them in their journey. Grant them grateful hearts. Let them be filled with Joy.
In Jesus’ Name
Random #5
Father God, help me to use my time wisely. Help me to discern between what is good and what is best. Give me strength to choose the harder tasks instead of the easier distractions. Bless the work of my hands and make me efficient in my daily tasks. Help my heart to recognize my acts of service as worship to You and to dedicate even the most monotonous chores for your glory as I keep my thoughts on You while I work. Give me words to share that encourage others and time to write them down. Protect me from those things that would interfere with the plans and purposes You have for me. Fill my heart with songs of praise and train my mind to focus on what is good, true and right. Thank you for the gift of each day. Let it be used to further Your kingdom.
In Jesus’ Name,