Faith like a child <3

Happy Day formerly known as Tax Day and a special birthday shout out to a little cupcake we know who is celebrating Quarantine style <3
A couple of things you know about me if you have followed this blog or been my friend or relative for any length of time…you never know what you are going to get…deep pondering, tearful memories, goofy life experiences or snarky commentary on the world.
I collect thoughts in about the same volume our furniture collects dust and let me tell you…that is a LOT of content on the daily.
One of my projects during this world-wide shut down of normalcy has been to go through boxes, cabinets and all the nooks and crannies where I have stowed stuff.
I am currently gathering the tubs of journals and bible studies in one location, and wowzer…I have poured out a lot of words into a variety of notebooks and I also have taken enough courses to complete my doctorate in seminary.
But close.
And I am thankful for every pen stroke of this journey…both the ones I sat under instruction of gifted teachers and the ones where I just talked to God on the pages of a notebook.
One thing is certain when I look back over it all, He is actively involved in our daily lives and He is a right on time God.
Let me just give you one example for your Wednesday and then it’s off to keep exploring the depths of my clutter.
Yesterday I picked up a random journal from 2014 and I cried and read and marveled at some things that were happening and how they have turned out, but one of the things I read was dated October 24, 2014
Here is what I wrote:
Again this morning, I picture You, precious Jesus, taking each one of our children and grandchildren in Your arms and laying Your nail-scarred hand on them and blessing them. Blessing Russ and I and each of these children and all the generations to come that You have blessed us with.
Right now I am praying and seeing in my spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ, taking each one by name to You…and Jesus took (Insert person’s name) in His arms, and laid His hand on his/her head and He blessed him/her in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
from my journaling <3

This is still a beautiful image and powerful way to pray today for these children and grandchildren that I am not able to see or touch right now. But through prayer, I can pray for God’s touch on each one.
Now for the “right here, right now” part of this God-story.
This morning when I went to have my quiet time, the passage in the devotional I am using this year (same one gifted by my friend that I have referred to before) was on…guess what verse?
Go ahead, guess.
Yes…you are right (Sorry…having a Blue’s Clues or Mr. Rodgers moment)…
Matthew 18:2-3 where Jesus takes the children and sets them in the midst of the disciples proclaiming that we must become like children to enter His kingdom.
And then He blessed them.
So today…little ones of God…I am picturing His hand placed on your sweet heads and I am praying His blessing over each one of you.
Oh how I pray you feel His tender touch on you and I pray your faith would grow as you embrace the truth of how much you are loved by Him.
And please know without a shadow of a doubt, He knows exactly what we are going through and He has not abandoned us. Trust Him as a child trusts his parents today and I will see you back here tomorrow <3