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Entertaining angels <3


Have you been noticing a current theme in devotions and writings seems to be geared toward hospitality?

Maybe it’s just me but I have seen a couple of studies coming out, several books by authors I follow and even in my April devotion series, it is all geared toward our call to open our hearts and homes to welcome both friends and strangers.

It has definitely hit home with me…pun unintended, but always welcome when I write.

Russ asked me earlier in the year how I felt about hosting a gathering for a group of colleagues from out of town the first week of April. 

As I always attempt to do when he suggests something, I said sure. 

(He may have examples of the times I have not said “sure”….but for the most part, I really to attempt to be a team player…for the most part.)

photo by Rachel Maxwell

So the past two weeks, the reality of what my “sure” meant has been sinking deep into me and I have been busily eyeing our home as if I was a complete stranger who has never seen the inside of this place. 

True to my over thinking nature, I never picture this as an amiable guest walking through the door, thankful for a place to spend a few hours and have some good food and conversation. 


I view our dwelling as if we are about to be put through a rigorous home inspection. 

Suddenly I see marks on the wall, the chipped paint near the latch of the inside of the edge of my closet. 

Dust that would rival the surface of the moon appears in thick layers as the sun filters through winter smudged windows and I find myself rearranging knick knacks and texting pictures to our sister Sonja, who has a degree and mucho skills in interior design to have her suggest how I can tweak the display. 

Oh, this happened. 

Trust me.

So this morning I was so delighted for God to speak into my heart through the devotional reading that was set on His Kingdom calendar just for me, just for today, just for where I am in my reading. 

Based on the surprise guests who showed up at Abraham and Sarah’s tent in Genesis 18, the author of the devotion talked about hospitality and what really matters when we open our homes to others.

It isn’t the cleanliness, the decor or the impressive spread we put out for our guests. 

It is the heart behind it all.

So I pray this morning that our home will be a safe place where all who enter feel loved and welcomed and cared for. 

Not just tonight. 

Every day. 

The Lord has done great things for us, hasn’t He?

We have been given everything in Christ and it is a great joy to share it. 

I am so thankful for the kindness of God to remind me of what matters most. 

Now I just need to vacuum all the lamp shades and I think we are good…just kidding. 

Be sure look for strangers to entertain as you go along the journey today. 

They just might be angels in disguise <3

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