Entering Autumn with some thoughts on God’s ideas about love <3
Well, the only thing that has changed to make this officially the beginning of Autumn for me is my attitude.
Today I shall remove the forsythia wreath with the two small metal chameleons that have stood guard all summer in order to discourage the birds from making a nest on our door, and up will go the wreath with colorful leaves and a couple of sunflowers.
I am also gathering soup recipes and John gave me a good and simple one over the phone last night (yes…John…our son…is giving me recipes. Oh happy day)
I do love a good bowl of soup…and no this is not the one he gave me a recipe for…but closest thing I have in my media library to segue into the recipe.
So here it is:
John’s Chicken Soup
Prepare 4 oz. of whole wheat pasta
While that’s cooking
Cube a half pound of chicken and brown in some oil and lemon/pepper seasoning (we like Trader Joe’s)
Brown two celery stalks and a carrot – all diced – in a little oil
Add all to 6 cups of good Chicken broth with salt and pepper to taste.
He recommended making sure the veggies are nicely browned as they add a little extra crunch.
So there you go.
Easy peasy.
Now for a little food for the soul.
I have been collecting some prayers and Scriptures on the notes section of my phone for the month of September and I added these thoughts today from notes I had made in one of my prayer books.
I diagrammed it to make it easier to remember so will share a picture of that at the end. I like to put Scriptures and thoughts into pictures as they help me to remember them, so if you are like me (God help you) maybe these will be useful.
Here are the thoughts based on the famous love passage from 1 Corinthians 13:
Loving others with God’s love means loving fully, unconditionally, mercifully, without criticism, and with no judgment.
Love is patient, kind, not envious, doesn’t show off, doesn’t think bad thoughts, doesn’t celebrate sufferings.
Love is not prideful, rude, selfish, easily annoyed or annoying.
Love seeks the well-being of others.
Anything else is not love.
From my journaling of the scriptures in 1 Corinthian 13
Help everyone of us to forsake pride, envy, rudeness, selfishness and criticism. These reveal a lack of love for others.
Help us all to embrace praying for one another, being patient, being kind, being selfless, encouraging one another and accountability.
From my journaling of the scriptures in 1 Corinthian 13
None of these things is possible in my own strength so I pray for generous doses of God’s power and love poured into me so I can grow in all of these areas of godly love.
I hope you have a blessed day and I hope you are finding ways to celebrate the new season that is upon us <3