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End of the month book report <3

First off, I read four books.

Can we just pause a moment and marvel at this?

I am the slowest of readers and the Surprised by Hope was a deeper read than I am used to, so the fact that I finished it along with three others is proof that I can muscle through these piles of books that “I have been meaning to read…”

Let’s start with the top of the stack and work down, shall we?

I read this one in a few days because it was truly a quick read.

How to Be a Hepburn in a Kardashian World, written by Jordan Christy is one that just caught my eye because of the cover and the fact that I have always held a fascination with Audrey Hepburn. Okay. I have wished I looked like her and dressed like her most of my teen and adult life. Or all of it.

The book turns out to be a redo of a book Jordan Christy wrote previously that was entitled How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. Assuming that was as in Paris Hilton. She intended the first book to be a guide for young girls who were struggling with “mean girls” in their lives. Apparently, she ended up venting and trashing a lot of people and she felt bad so she rewrote it and this is the result.

It is really geared toward young women who are entering the first stages of realizing they are needing to function as adults. I felt like it was reading a podcast script. Nothing wrong with that, but the style of writing was very conversational and just full of her thoughts and tips about keeping it classy in a world that seemingly has forgotten that matters.

It was a good quick read and I plan to pass it along to someone else through donation to a thrift store.

The second one is Unhindered which our church did a six week study around. I highly recommend this one for all ages. I have posted a few thoughts already on it, and will share a little more this week as it is a very healing book.

Next is Just. You. Wait. by Tricia Lott Williford. Tricia hosted the writing conference I attended last fall in Colorado.

The book is wonderful.

I also read it in two days, but that was because I couldn’t put it down.

Tricia lost her first husband unexpectedly when their sons were three and five years old. This book details the period of waiting for healing and direction as the timing coincided with her now husband’s battle with alcoholism and coming to a place of healing himself before they met.

I also want to share a little more about this, so look for that on Wednesday.

The last one is the N. T. Wright book, Surprised by Hope, that I have been working on since John gifted it to me for Christmas. It was so interesting and much underlining happened.

If you guessed that we will be digging in to that a little more on Thursday, you are correct.

Did you read anything good this month?

Let me know!

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  1. I thought the book was about Katherine Hepburn ?! Russ is kind of a Spencer Tracey figure, don’t you think?! Just kidding. Looking forward to this week’s musings. You can quote me if you want.

    1. ahh…nope…Audrey. Katherine Hepburn was a force to be reckoned with and accomplished much, but not my alter-ego cup of tea. Too adventurous and bold. Nope. Twas Audrey with her classic style and big sunglasses that caught my wistful self.

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