Embracing Change

I have stood in a lot of empty houses in my life and looked around at rooms that had held the every day life of our family. I find that the rooms echo with laughter and tears, big celebrations, quiet conversations, love, anger, entertaining and resting, the highs and lows and in between that made up our days. 

All counted, I have closed the door on fourteen homes (granted two were before I was old enough to have a recollection) and a variety of dorm rooms and apartments in college. Chances are good I have at least two more ahead of me. 

As for church homes, I was part of the group that walked the perimeter of a field where stakes were place for a new building back in the 90’s. Our family helped load trucks and U-Hauls as we emptied the old building to make the move. Walking the bare halls we were excited for our new space, but it was like leaving yet another home as our family had come to love this church we found. 

Last night, we stood in the gutted sanctuary of that new building that is now needing remodeling. And it was a moment I was not expecting. The plan was to celebrate the year since an initiative called “Whatever It Takes” was launched. Our leadership has been planning how to make room for more people in the worship spaces and to create an inviting and welcoming place for community to gather. Last year, we made commitments to support this growth and last night we celebrated together. 

This is not the first time we have done work on this place. The facility of this building has morphed continually over the years. Additions have been made and spaces reimagined numerous times. 

Russ and I have watched as the Fellowship Hall disappeared, a gym was built and converted and another gym built. Then there was a Youth Worship center, additional classroom space added, various renovations to the cafe, offices moved, carpeting changed. Additional services added and new spaces created to attend and on and on. 

As we passed through what will be the new lobby area and entered into the stripped down place where we  once sat for church, funerals, weddings and Christmas Eve services with sleepy kids leaning on our shoulders, I was not prepared for the emotions that came over me. 

I see the possibilities for making room for others. I understand the need to embrace change, Lord knows that has been impressed upon us for the existence of our tenure there. But it was a lot for a tired lady at the end of long Sunday. 

The attendees encircled the room along all four sides. It was a multigenerational group and with absolutely nothing to absorb the sound, our voices soared as we sang praises and listened to Scripture. It was lovely and yet I had to keep my eyes closed because it was almost too much to take in. 

Even as we sang of God’s faithfulness, the memories of our children choosing to be re-baptized, and Russ and I following suit a few years later flooded my soul. I have sat often in the pews that are no longer there for both regular and holiday services. I have sat in them mid-day during the week and prayed for our family and for this church. I have sat in them for rehearsals and youth events and watching Beth Moore on the screen for Bible study.

We have watched pastors come and go and grow into new areas of leadership. There have been beloved friends who left us for a different place of worship, no place of worship or their place at the feet of Jesus in heaven. 

As we moved out at the end of our time in that space, I noted those who were there when our family first came to the church.  I saw those who came shortly after us who have been through quite a few of the changes as well. I thought of so many who are no longer with us and I miss them so much. 

And then I focused on those who are very new.  I realized how much they have added to our church life and to me personally. I have found fresh insight and enjoyed getting to know so many new people.

And it was rich. We are rich. God has blessed us. 

Changes are a mixed blessing. As we adapt to the new, it stirs our memories. 

These memories can be sweet and bittersweet. It’s hard to let go of what we lose in the change, but when I think of all we have gained through the changes, it helps. 

And all that happened is not wasted nor has it disappeared. The stories and the lives of the people are held in God’s hand and He is faithful and unchanging. They are a part of who we are and where we are going. 

God is so good and kind to us to not leave us unchanged <3

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