Day 22 Christmas Countdown 2022
Yesterday Russ and I headed down to St. Louis yesterday and had dinner with these two and then attended a Billikins’ game at SLU.

We had a great time and got home and tucked in around midnight with alarms set for the early shift.
This morning we are headed north as at this point both Zach and Rachel have to work. The impending storm may send us home early, we kind of hope…as the tension of winter weather hangs in the balance.
Which reminds me of a quick story from a Christmas past I hadn’t even thought of until today.
When Rachel was still an only child, we were at my parent’s house in Louisville that year. We had barely gotten our suitcases opened when the forecasters were calling for a big snow storm between us and home.
We had our dinner and talked about concerns for how much we would get and how we would get home in time for Russ to return to work. I think we did sleep there, but shortly after the sun rose everyone decided we needed to hit the road.
Russ and I were scrambling around trying to gather our things, I think my mom and dad were bagging up gifts, Rachel was pulling toys out of every corner to play with and I do remember my husband running to the top of the basement stairs with a red velvet dress in his hand calling out, “This is what Rachel was going to wear to church!”
In short order, we were loaded up and as the dust was settling behind us I heard my mom say to my dad something about how, actually that was just about the right amount of time for us to visit anyway.
You would have had to know my mom to understand why this still makes me laugh. Every time we are juggling around plans and thoughts and changes due to weather, I picture her waving us off and kind of heaving a sigh of relief for the quiet that was about to return to her home.
Blessings friends.
Stay safe.
Love your people just the way they are, quirks and all….they are part of your best stories <3