
Countdown to Christmas 2024….Day 1


Well, here we are; the first Sunday of Advent falling on the first day of December. What a perfect introduction to the 25 day Countdown to Christmas 2024. 

If only I had been prepared and realized that advent starts today and that it is actually the first day of December until I was sitting in church this morning. 

Not looking good for us to pull off a smooth and polished Christmas this year, folks. 

And that is okay. 

Because the whole origination of the Countdown series grew from a time when my cousin-in-law (who will forever feel like a blood cousin) and I were young moms with too many irons in the fire. 

We would send frequent emails during the 25 days of Christmas recounting the hilarious and hysterical (and by hysterical, I mean we were losing it mentally, spiritually and physically) things that were happening and not happening as we tried to capture the fullness and essence of the holidays. 

Our ridiculous to sublime moments kept us laughing and sane. 

So that may be what this year’s Countdown looks like. 

All I know for sure is, you will get a post a day with thoughts, updates, meltdowns or whatever is on my mind. 

As for today, the plan is to finish up decorating the tree, fix light strands that have quit the game too early and edit the amazing Christmas letter I roped Russ into writing for us this year. 

And rest. 

I do plan to rest. 

Because this week is scheduled tight to the brim with things to do and places to be. 

So happy first Sunday of Advent.

If you are wishing you had heard a good sermon, I highly recommend the one from our church. Will share a link when it becomes available. 

Hugs and cheers to whatever Christmas 2024 looks like for each of us <3

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