Corralling those wild thoughts <3
We have moved to Page 2 and Item #3 of my brainstorming notes.
Which means we are a few points away from the conclusion of this series.
I would say it has been a good one…at least for me…and I know for some of you as well.
You have been troopers as I stomped on your toes with my own bandaged feet and I love you for it.
So today we tackle that battle of the mind that rages on even the best of days but can really throw a damper on the healing process.
As I look at my notes and my to do list before I leave for work (via the post office with a hefty stack of assorted mail that needs to be metered and paid for) and the clock…I have made an executive decision to forego well-written paragraphs and just give you the bullet points from my legal pad for this section.
You in?
I am writing from my experience because not everyone is like me (can we all just shout hallelujah and high-five Jesus for that???)
So again, if you don’t relate to my wiring, maybe it will help you understand someone who is a hypersensitive, over-thinking, neurotically analyzing of every detail person such as yours truly.
Oh…you stayed…great…well, here we go…
1. It is imperative to corral my emotions when something shakes me deeply. Since I am pretty much the worst poker face person, I don’t fake “fine” very well. I am never the person, even on the BEST.DAY.EVER who answers “How are you?” with ….wait for it…and enthusiastic
I’m one of those who actually tells you how I am, in a thousand words or less.
So when I am experiencing a season of deep sorrow, I find it helpful to remember that I don’t have to share the details of what is going on with every single person or even one single person.
I can just say I’m doing okay and if they press me further with that concerned look and dreaded “Are you sure?”, I am not fibbing when I say Yep…I’m sure.
Because by faith, I am doing OK.
I am upright and breathing and God is doing a work in me.
I am passing through the waters and He is holding me up so I don’t drown. I am passing through the fire and it’s hotter than hell, but my clothes are not even going to smell like smoke.
That’s Isaiah 43:2 if you don’t recognize it.
So yes, by God’s grace and mercy. I am OK.
2. I also absolutely MUST put the kibosh on comparison.
Looking around at what others have never ever helps with the work God is doing in M.E.
This also means steering clear of social media on my more fragile days.
And I will speak into this to others here…if seeing sweethearts happily declaring their love on Valentine’s Day sends you into depression or a barren womb means those lovely tributes to Mothers and Fathers mid-May/June burn hot tears on your face or your family is scattered to the four winds and the “This is Us” pics of happy Thanksgiving gatherings is a slap in the face…YOU are the one who controls checking Facebook and Instagram.
3. And finally this one I mentioned yesterday, but thoughts of how this friend or that person would do this grieving and healing so much better than I am.
So there’s my big three areas of thought life that I have to reign in so God can get me back in the land of the living.
And the only way to do it is to take those spinning and spiraling thoughts under control.
For though we live in the body, we do not wage war in an unspiritual way, since the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every high minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ. And we are ready to punish any disobedience, once your obedience has been confirmed. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6 HCSB
Like you I always find this passage encouraging but difficult to apply.
So let’s meditate on it a bit and meet back here tomorrow for some practical application.
I hope so.