
Christmas in September (why not? It’s 2020)


This week I finished the Old Testament and began the New. As I sat on the patio on a crisp fallish morning, I read what is basically the Christmas story we all know and love. The words washed over me in a fresh way. 

Immanuel. God with us. 

It wasn’t so long ago I was in Isaiah where He was promised to be our:

Wonderful Counselor

Mighty God. 

Everlasting Father

Prince of Peace 

How we need that in our world. 

We always have, but lately we are noticing it in painfully obvious ways. 

I read about Joseph taking directions from dreams and angel visitations. A carpenter by trade and not a wealthy man, suddenly he was following leads from night visions that took him to a marriage that would look suspect to the eyes of his family and friends. He would travel with his uber pregnant wife to a census taking that he probably would have liked to have taken a pass on. From there they fled to Egypt, which of all places, God had reminded His people regularly to not go to Egypt for help and yet there they were. And then another voice in the night led them back to a new town to set up shop and raise a family. 

None of it was easy or normal. 

All kinds of new normals and recalculations made. 

God understands what we are going through. 

He is not far off, but very near. 

In fact, He has made His dwelling among us. 


Immanuel….God WITH us. 

I pray you are holding fast to the Hope of Christ IN YOU during this season. 

You are deeply and dearly loved. 

Forever and ever. 

Amen <3

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