
Christmas Countdown 2023 Day 3

As we begin the first full week of the 2023 Countdown, it is the first Sunday of Advent. Here are some thoughts from my own devotional time in preparation for lighting the first candle.


The first Sunday of Advent and we light the candle of Hope. Also called the candle of Prophecy, which in itself is Hope, is it not? For we place our hope in the prophets just as those who waited for the fulfillment of the coming Messiah. 

And we rejoice in this season of celebrations for He has come. 


God with us. 

One of the suggested readings for this first Sunday of Advent was from Psalm 80. I read it several times as the author cries out for the deliverance, rescue, restoration of the Northern Kingdom after being overtaken by Assyria. 

It is both hard and easy to see “hope” in desperate situations. When all seems lost and yet we cry out for healing, wholeness, repair, reconciliation, salvation from the circumstances in which we are placed… this is the language of Hope. 

I love the definition of Hope found in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary.

Hope: desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment. As in: I came in the hope of seeing you. 

That sentence, chosen as an example of the essence of Hope is most applicable to me this morning as I light our first candle. We have officially entered the season of preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Lord here on earth. 

Yes, Jesus, here in our kitchen in a house that sits on the north side of what is our community, in the heartland of the United States; in a time when there is great turmoil and pain, upheaval and heartache in individuals and nations…I have come to Christmas 2023 in the hope of seeing You. 


Heavenly Father, 

We come with a desire to grow closer to You this Advent season, and our desire is accompanied by the expectation and belief that we will. Lord, bless this journey as we keep the heart of the season first in all that we do and think and say. 

May the fellowship with our friends and family honor Your coming into the world and may we not lose sight of the holiness of the celebration of the fulfillment of the prophecies of your coming, even as we enjoy the traditions we have come to know.

As much as we love the present blessings around us, or dread the trials we face; may we constantly keep our eyes fixed on the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Hope that You will come a second time and You will make all things right. Every tear will be wiped away. There will be no more pain and no more suffering. For the old order will pass away. Your Kingdom will come on earth, finally and perfectly, as it is in Heaven. 

Help us to wait well for this day in the hopeful expectation of Your return. 

Amen and amen <3

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