
Christmas Countdown 2023 … Day 23

Hello friends <3

How are you doing? I hope you are in a good place of contentment as you head into the weekend. I have ridden the roller coaster with you. Wondering if I have a fair amount of gifts for each person, hoping they like what we got them and they feel loved. I have run menus through my head, written down a master plan and gathered supplies.

I have wished I had decluttered some closets, because you know closets that are neat and tidy would have made this a perfect holiday, right? And we all know that our family will be inspecting the interiors of our closets when they come for that two hour window to be together to eat, open gifts and stockings and play some games.

I jest.

Isn’t that bane of our musings as we prepare for what Christmas each will be? Often I have marveled that we get upset with our home when we can’t fit a live tree in amongst the furniture of our daily life. We cram extra baking, shopping, card sending and a myriad of parties and concerts into an already full schedule and wonder why we are stressed.

But that is the DNA of the holidays. And amid all of that, we keep recalculating our navigation system so that the true celebration of Christ’s birth doesn’t get lost off our radar. There is a deep sigh at some point when we know we are “done” with the shopping and wrapping and we can settle into the meal preparations and receiving our guests or load up the car to head to our destination for the celebrations.

I have a few photos from our week to share. It has been a good one and we have enjoyed the programs and sporting events. Our Caroline delighted us all, along with her talented class mates in a ballet of A Christmas Carole.

Her class were little Scrooges…

We thought she was the cutest curmudgeon ever.

She is well loved and supported…

When I see all these generations attending games and activities, I think how very blessed our grandchildren are to know both sets of grandparents and a great grandma. This is not something we take for granted. It is a gift of grace and we are so thankful.

We do not know the days we are given, each one is precious. I have enjoyed this Christmas season more than any I can remember for a long while. The music touched my heart more, the opportunities to be with people didn’t overwhelm me and the kindness of so many as they shared their stories brought tears to a weary heart.

There is much awry in our world, for sure. I didn’t close my eyes to it. But a quote given by our pastor in a sermon this month has stuck with me and given me a perspective of surrender that has brought me peace.

This is God’s universe and He does things His way. You may think you have a better way, but you don’t have a universe.

J. Vernon McGee

So true. I don’t have a universe. I can’t even exert control over the few people that hold the most prominent place in my daily life. Heck, I can’t even get a closet cleaned out post-Christmas.

This is my Father’s world, and in to the midst of the mess of it, He sent a Savior. His only Son. I rest in the thought of that as the lyrics of an old hymn go.

Have a blessed day doing whatever is on your list and I look forward to lighting our fourth candle tomorrow with you as we usher in Christmas Eve <3

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