
Christmas Countdown 2023…Day 1

For this year’s Countdown to Christmas, I am sharing stories from the variety of part-time jobs that have been my “career” on the journey. These will be Monday – Friday. On Saturdays I will catch you up on our holiday activities and then there will be an Advent Devotion on Sundays. I am looking forward to sharing December with you <3


I was returning two books to the library one day. Two books I borrowed at the beginning of summer and renewed the amount of times allowed. Two books that I read only partway through even though they were both very interesting. The plan had been to do my own Summer Reading Program and I selected these to be my goal. 

Oh I read. I read books I had already started and my morning devotions. I read Instagram and Facebook posts and articles shared on those. I read stories to grandchildren before they fell asleep and I read a ton of emails and text threads. Sometimes over and over if they particularly touched my heart. 

But I didn’t meet my goal to read these two books and expand my mind into some new areas of learning. I felt a bit defeated as I pulled up in front of the library. True to my nature I lost my own debate to just drop them in the outside box. I didn’t want the librarian to have to tote these books I didn’t bother to finish all the way back inside at the end of her shift. 

As I was reminding myself not to get lured into the book display next to the circulation desk and check out yet another book I most likely wouldn’t finish, my eye caught a notice on the door. 


I was drawn like a moth to a flame. 

Even though I have absolutely no free time to take on any kind of other endeavor, be it a hobby, job or even a new book to read; I stopped and read the description. Immediately I was evaluating my skill set against the requirements.  But when I saw the final line “Nights and weekend hours required,’ I shook my head as if they had actually offered to hire me and resigned myself to the fact that this simply would not work with our schedule. 

So I sadly returned the books, swallowed back my apology for refusing the job and headed out to the car, almost relishing all the free time that this would allow me. I even felt somewhat sad that I would not be working in the sweet little local branch library in our small community. 

Lord help me.

This is the story of my life and the butt of many a joke amongst family and friends. I have been dubbed the Queen of Part-time jobs and my husband likes to share with people how many I have held. But he always under-estimates. 

Even I have trouble remembering how many positions I have applied for and gotten over the years. Somewhere in the mess of journals and papers around here, I have a list we compiled, it sits in some notebook, somewhere. But over time I will have a trigger memory from some workplace and realize we left that one off. 

These jobs are part of my story. The experiences have enriched me and given me skills and confidence to do many other things. And the people I have worked with and for along the way have added to the treasure trove of stories that I love to tell. 

I have gotten so mad I thought I would burst into an inferno and leave this earth with only a smattering of bright embers left where I was standing. I have cried in frustration and felt so defeated that I wanted to quit all things forever and never try again. 

I have laughed until I cried and those moments can still throw me into fits of giggles when something calls them to mind. I have cried until I laughed as people, who only had the seat next to me in common at the start of employment, walked through some of the hardest seasons and became like family to me. I have been harassed and I have been under-valued and I have been honored and given words of affirmation that humbled me down to my knees.


Oh sure, I have wondered what it would be like to have had a career. In some ways I have envied those who have a set schedule and responsibilities, but I know it wouldn’t have worked for me or for us. I am thankful for the variety of work I have been paid to do and now God has been prodding me to share some of the stories and lessons and laughter and tears with you. 

I have pondered and prayed about the best way to present them, and landed on sharing them just as if you and I were sitting over coffee and they started tumbling out. 

As I view what I think is the complete list, the total is 28 and counting. There were seasons  when I juggled several at one time. I told you. It’s a problem with me. I am somewhat addicted to short hours, low pay and filling out W2 forms. 

Even with the extensive and diverse list, there are times I think of yet another job I might like to add. I am not dead yet, so I may hit an even 30, or more, before this journey ends. But for now, I hope you enjoy some lessons learned and insights gleaned from my rather lengthy resume as we Countdown to Christmas 2023 with this trip down memory lane <3


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