Christmas Countdown 2021 Day 6 <3

As I think back over our first week of stories, some seemed a bit on the heavy side and our tree certainly sports its share of silly and fun stories, too.
There is a collection working for this week in my brain and when I saw the squirrel perched right by today’s #6 window on the Advent calendar, I knew what today’s feature would be.
One of the most rewarding endeavors I have given my time to, beyond being Russ’s wife, mom to three and grandma to four, was teaching an adult Sunday school class at our church for about 20 years.
I loved our class and they loved me back in ways that no words nor ornaments could ever express.
While my prayer is that some of the lessons I prepared drew them closer to Jesus, one illustration I gave stuck with them to a level that has brought me fits of laughter and bonded us in a way that I hope makes Jesus throw His royal head back and laugh over from time to time.
In an exhortation I was giving them about being firm in their faith one day, I pointed out that we do not want to be spiritual squirrels.
I expounded on the way a squirrel will start to cross the road way up ahead of an oncoming car and then about two inches passed the center lane will pause, rethink, start to retreat back in front of the approaching vehicle, pause again, look around and then it’s anybody’s guess which direction it will take from there.
My point was that when we waffle in our beliefs, we are human squirrels and will be dangerous at best, dead in the road at worst and annoying for sure.
I also may have commented that I am not a fan of squirrels. Ever. Even if they are just sitting up in the trees stalking me.
Well, we all laughed…I hoped they got the point and from there began a life time of me receiving all manner of squirrel merchandise.
And so we have….
Day 6

I have been given a variety of holiday squirrelyness and this one was probably a gift tag at some point.
We also have this guy…

and his brother….

At least one of these came from the couple who freaked me out one year with a squirrel of the month anonymous mail campaign that I shared a post on here…
when these two crazies revealed themselves as the the culprits…

Which brings me to this year.
That squirrel magnet under the two squirrels in the picture came from another of my squirrely friends…

who is responsible for at least a few of my collection and added this shirt and a tea towel to add to our holiday decor this year …

Our squirrels tucked here and there never fail to make me laugh.
I have all kinds of them including a subdued little magnet from a couple of friends who came across a town on their fall getaway that is known for its white squirrels and had to bring this little souvenir back for me…

So our tree has some laughter tucked in those branches…reminders of the incredibly fun and funny people God has blessed us to share this journey with.
If you gave me a squirrel at any point and I didn’t mention it, believe me…I know who you are and I laugh every time I see your gift and I thank God for your humor and your love <3