Christmas Countdown 2021 Day 13 <3

Fun fact.
I have had around 20 part time jobs in my adult life. At least.
Just for fun sometimes Russ will try and count them all…he invariable forgets quite a few.
One year I held down three.
It was Sarah’s junior year and John’s freshman year in college and I made the equivalent of one of the tuitions each month. It was rather satisfying to say I actually worked enough to make a difference in our income.
That year I was on the sensory panel at ADM two mornings a week, taught two classes at the Christian school where John had attended and filled in the rest of my schedule with hours at the local Talbot’s store.
It. Was. Insane.
I loved the people I worked with at all three place and one of the fun parts of Talbots at the holidays was our little Christmas gathering.
We each brought an ornament and I have quite a collection…
One of our sales team happens to be a local artist and to select her box meant you got a hand painted treasure. Of the years I worked there, I only got one of hers, but I treasure it…

The year I became a Grandma, my manager gave me this sweet extra ornament as a gift ….

A young mom herself, it touched my heart that she wanted to celebrate my first year as a grandma.
People have asked me since Russ retired if I am going to retire to.
I have to say that technically you probably have to have a career in order to retire.
I don’t think a string of part time jobs qualifies for “retirement.”
And I am not sure the one I have now where I work 7 hours for one day a week is quite taxing enough on me to say I need to retire.
The people and experiences I have gained through all the jobs over the years are precious to me.
Each one required different skill sets and allowed me to meet such wonderful people.
I admire those who have held a job consistently for a full work week for many years.
My Fear of Missing Out sometimes kicks in when I realize this will never be my experience.
But I know God allowed me to have the best of both worlds…working and being available at home and I am so very thankful for it.
I know I have said this in previous posts…but I could and would love to literally write a book based on my part time jobs and things I learned.
Well…happy Monday to you whether you are clocked in, checked out or retired. Work is a blessed assignment from God for us and that includes the work we do for no pay beyond the joy of serving others.
May you be blessed at whatever you put your hand to today and I will catch up with you and another ornament tomorrow <3