Christmas Countdown 2020 Day 22

Oh my goodness…I just realized I entitle yesterday’s post Day 20…and it was Day 21…good grief. I am thankful for the editing capacity of this website…sorry if I confused you <3
Now for today:
Today we are moving into the second letter Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica as we are just a mere three days away from ending our countdown. I don’t mean to alarm you, but yes…in three days it will be Christmas Day.
Excuse me for a moment while I breathe into a paper bag.
I jest.
I am fine. Sort of.
Today’s passage is one I that I can apply to a busy few days like what lies ahead for me, but I know Paul had so much more in mind as he encouraged the believers about the day of Christ’s return. It will be a day of final judgment and will not go well for those who refused the gift of redemption offered by our Lord, but for those who did receive His salvation:
And all the people who have believed will be amazed at Jesus. You will be in that group, because you believed what we told you. That is why we always pray for you, asking our God to help you live the kind of life he called you to live. We pray that with His power God will help you do the good things you want and perform the works that come from your faith. We pray all this so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will have glory in you, and you will have glory in Him. That glory comes form the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 1: 10b-12
I see that in this prayer, Paul is showing us that God has given us the power to do the good works of sharing our faith with others. We have the ability, in Him and with Him and through Him, to be able to follow after the teachings of Jesus Christ and represent Him well to others.
The faith that I have in me is to be lived out actively and God will enable me to do that.
And we should be praying this for each other. The things I accomplish for His Kingdom are to be done in such a way that He is glorified. It should be Christ in me that draws the attention of others.
So for today, just go back over that passage and pray that for your fellow believers. Pray it for you friends, family and church. And share it with someone and ask them to pray it for you <3