
Christmas Countdown 2019….Day 9


Good morning and happy Monday! 

It is gray and dreary here on the prairie and my plans got switched up a little so I am once again tapping out this note in a somewhat rushed fashion, but it is only because I lingered long at the table this morning and took time to come into God’s Presence because I do what I tell you to do. 

The best way to celebrate this season of Advent is to make time in the very busiest season for the main thing. Over the years I have learned that none of the other stuff will be done with a right heart if I don’t do this thing well each day. 

While I do believe first thing is best, some mornings it just cannot happen so on those days, take it along for your lunch break or make sure you sit down in a quiet place before you go to bed. There is time in our day for this focusing on God’s Word thing. 

It’s not “I need Jesus and coffee”…it’s “I need Jesus” and I am thankful He doesn’t mind me sipping from a mug or three as we spend time together <3


Today as I read Luke 9, there was a theme that stood out to me and it may be because I have been fighting this virus …or several consecutive viruses…for really too long. 

I noted that in the opening verses of the chapter, Jesus gathered His newly appointed “Twelve” and commissioned them before sending them out on their first missionary journey. 

“Summoning the Twelve, He gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. Then He sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”

Luke 9:1&2 *capital H added by me*….CSB

We are told in verse 6 they traveled from village to village proclaiming the good news and healing everywhere.

Verse 11 says:

He welcomed them (the crowds who followed Him), spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.

We see Him take authority over a demon who has made a child unwell since birth and teaching His disciples the element of determining the way to deliverance through fasting and prayer. 

I once made a hospital visit and as I struggled to find a place to park I thought about the impact a ministry of healing enacted through all followers of Christ would have on the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies…doctors, nurses, rehab facilities.

If you heard a loud gasp just now it would be coming from some people I love dearly because I happen to know and be related to and love some of the best in the health care industry.  

But think about it. 

Sickness is big business in our country.

Think how different the landscape of our communities would look if we, who follow Christ, just went around proclaiming the kingdom of God and healing everywhere. 

Blows the mind, doesn’t it?

I have been in places where people prayed over someone and they were healed. 

I have served on prayer teams where lumps were prayed over and when the test just before scheduling surgery was done, no lump was found. 

And I have prayed fervent prayers for healing and watched that precious one slip away to Jesus while we shook our heads and wondered how we will keep putting one foot in front of the other as we continue the journey without him or her. 

I have prayed myself and others through a health crisis and watched as God did amazing things to grow our faith and character and compassion…and then bring healing.

I have no answers today but many questions. 

If all that matters is heaven, why would Jesus heal?

He wants us to walk healed and whole here on earth…but then….

If health and wholeness matter, why don’t our prayers “work” every time?

Have we missed it as Christians?

Is it our lack of faith or our ignorance in how to pray?

And we also know that death will eventually come to all of us until He returns so where are the lines drawn?

My eyes rest this morning on my life verse taped to the bottom of this computer screen. 

Call to Me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous thing that you could never figure out on your own.

Jeremiah 33:3 The Message

I have questions and He has answers and it is in walking with Him and talking with Him and listening that I learn and grow. 

Like the disciples in Luke, I get it right sometimes and then I turn around and blow it. 

I stumble and He catches me and helps me up and we continue on.

I am learning and growing and praying that I will increase in faith to believe Him and to believe and live what He taught me. 

I am asking Him to show me where I am falling short in just acting in faith and where I am needing to understand His ways are higher than ours.

It is in the questions that we have to stop and listen for His answers and to seek His heart over our own understanding.

Be blessed, fellow traveler, as we journey onward <3

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    1. Thank you. Our First World resources rob us of our need for Jesus and fool us into thinking we can do it all by ourselves … so sad <3

  1. Amen, again. Thank you for your thoughts and transparency as many join you in the questions. (Include me in that.) And many join you in continuing to press in and go for that healing, even when the last one wasn’t realized in earth. This makes me think of what I heard a teacher say once: I cannot build my theology on experience. I must build it on Jesus’ walk. Jesus is perfect theology. Please, God, help us keep going for it. You still heal and deliver. Fan the flames of faith within us!

    Thank you, Laura! Oh! This made me think (about the hospitals) about a ministry here in Baltimore just starting, welcomed by a major hospital. Patients will soon have the option not only of a Chaplain visit but also a session with a team for healing prayer!

    Advent is better this year already by this time you give each day, dear Laura.

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