Christmas Countdown 2019….Day 15
It is the third Sunday of Advent.
Church was a special service of Carols for Advent that incorporated the children and youth with choirs, musicians, a video production and dance.
It was uplifting and sweet.
We followed it up with a breakfast stop at one of our favorite places with friends and home to rest and watch the Packers and Bears game.
I have taken this as a day of rest and almost missed my post!
I did read Luke 15 this morning.
The passages of this chapter are favorites of all of us as they remind us how Jesus is interested in the one.
One lost sheep.
One lost coin.
One lost younger son.
One disgruntled older son.
One by one.
You and me and that one, the one over there.
The one who wandered.
The one who didn’t get it the first time…or the second…or the bazillionth.
One by one by one He saves and restores and sanctifies us.
So we can all come together.
Healed and whole and unified in Him.