Christmas Countdown 2018 Day 2
I think of how power is the big game these days. And yet, we know, it always has been.
Power and the use and abuse of it color the pages of our history books and are splashed across our personal stories.
Political power, corporate power, sexual power.
The power of wealth and position and status.
The world occupies itself with these questions:
Who has the power?
Who are the players?
How can we empower ourselves?
And others?
Girl power…
super powers…
In John 17:2 Jesus is speaking to the ultimate POWER.
His Father…
Jehovah God
And Jesus is speaking about Himself as the Son.
God with us
The Christ
The Messiah
He is speaking of the life He had taken on when He set aside His position and power and glory in heaven and condescended to become one of us.
Entering this world just as we do, He was born of a woman.
A girl really.
Born, not into wealth and high standing, but into the unusual union of a carpenter and his young bride…
with the overshadowing scandal of a pregnancy that didn’t quite fit into the schematics of appropriate and acceptable timing.
Born in a borrowed manger and then the Lamb on the lam.
Vulnerable and helpless, He was carried in haste as Mary and Joseph fled for their lives.
And His.
Born to a couple of obedient humans, raised by them…and now obedient in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prays to His Father.
He speaks of Himself in third person as He prays….
You put him in charge of everything human so he might give real and eternal life to all in his charge. The Message John 17:2
David Jeremiah, in a commentary note on this passage says, “Authority and power came from the Father. Jesus’ PURPOSE was to provide eternal life.”*
It’s a different path than the world takes, this Power Game.
This power that is the ultimate power was sent to earth to save us.
The power over salvation is held by God and directed through Christ to all who will receive Him as LORD and Savior.
To think about today:
Are there areas in your life where you continue to hold on to power struggles? Have you surrendered it ALL to Jesus?
As you see various nativities and hear the Christmas Story told through songs and enactments, take some time to quiet your heart and remember that Jesus Christ laid down all that He was in heaven and stooped down to be born of a woman in the least powerful of settings. Ponder the truth that He came in the most helpless form possible and God gave Him all authority and power over all humanity….ALL humanity…so that He could give us eternal life.
And ponder how we are told when He returns…it will be quite different.
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. ….And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:
Revelation 19: 11-13 and 16
Yes, ponder that as you gaze at the manger.
Have a blessed first Sunday of Advent <3
*The Jeremiah Study Bible, Dr. David Jeremiah. Worthy Publishing, 2013 Study note for John 17:2