Christmas Countdown 2013 <3 Day 9
Happy Day 9 of the Countdown to Christmas!
A number of years ago, I decided that when it comes to holiday preparations for Christmas, if I am drudging through any part of it – What is the point?!?
Addressing cards is a mammoth job if you want to keep up with friends from the past at least once a year and greet your near and dear ones. But this matters to me, so it’s in.
Baking trays of delicious cookies for friends and neighbors is appealing. I like the idea. But the actual doing of it is a time consuming task that drains me. Also, when I deliver them and they push aside a couple of other trays to make room for ours….well…hmmmm…… so it is out.
I don’t just like the house trimmed; I love putting up the trim. So it takes me a really long time. I ponder where things should go. I create little spots of beauty that have meaning. I may be the only one that gets the meaning, but hey, in it I worship the God I am celebrating. So it is in.
Homemade gifts. Out.
Reading by the fire and the Christmas lights. In.
What traditions draw your heart to the manger? And which ones make you want to shout BAH! HUMBUG! (Hopefully, someone out there is called to bake cookies, or our family won’t be getting any! Ha!)
John 15:5 and 8 remind us; “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me, you can do nothing. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”
By inviting God into the preparations, I am better able to discern which are traditions of man, and which bear fruit for the Kingdom.
I pray you are finding JOY in all you do as you bring glory and honor to your King! God bless you, each and every one, as you draw near to Him in this season of preparation!
I bought a box of Christmas card that are the exact photo as the stamps you are using ! LOL