Christmas Countdown 2013 <3 Day 6

I mentioned before that our street is slow this year at getting decorations up. I hope you know that would include yours truly. Russ did put the big wreath up over the garage, but the other half of the decorating team has failed to do her part.
Currently we are flying the Autumn Harvest flag and the porch lights have Indian corn tied with fall bows. There are two pots of dead mums by the door and the shell wind chime from summer is still valiantly catching the breeze to remind us that somewhere in the world there is sand and warmth. To complete our tribute to the four seasons, we have a toboggan leaning up in the corner by the garage door.
The boxes above contain garland with LED lights. I am praying fervently that when I open the first one, the directions do not say “Indoor use only”. I also have to move the miniature forest up from the basement and attach the necessary wiring, make the bows for the railing and the sled and we will be good to go on the outside……