Checking in before I check out for the week <3

We started the transition from Fall to Christmas a bit earlier than our usual post Thanksgiving timing.
With no one coming for the festivities, we figured it was good to take advantage of the beautiful weather yesterday to put up lights and extra time this weekend to start the tree process.
So today the pumpkins and fall trim are officially heading down to their brown tubs in the basement and the green ones will be hauled out to produce what Christmas will look like here at our house.
It is a full week with the holiday added to our usual duties and activities and I am planning to take a few days to focus on things that need to be done.
Unless something comes to me that I know needs to be said, I will be a bit silent here this week.
But I won’t be forgetful of you all.
I hope and pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, whatever it looks like for you this year.
I hope God holds your heart tight in places where it looks different than you thought it would.
I pray for a special grace to fall on you all as you move through this week of Thanksgiving and bidding fall farewell and moving into Christmas preparations.
May the Lord be with you and shine His face on you and be gracious to you. May you have safe travels whether you are going far or just a few houses away. May your memories of the past remind you of God’s faithfulness and your thoughts of the future be filled with His promises.
You are precious and you are deeply loved <3