
Chalk this one up for laughter being good medicine <3

I find myself saying to myself quite often lately that I would rather be doing something besides what I am currently doing. If you read my post on Friday then you will understand that I follow that as quickly as I can muster with a thanks be to God that I get to do what I don’t want to do. 

What I want to do this morning (and yesterday morning and every day last week) is share some photos and travel information for our trip to Sedona. 

What I have been doing is spending hours grading papers and making lesson plans and learning the material I am going to have to teach and trying to get our house back in post-vacation order. 

Thanks be to God I get to do this. 



The above photograph is from the blackboard at the back of the class I inhabit for three classes plus an hour prep before four days a week. 

I erased some odd messages and drawings and wrote out Scripture based affirmations to focus on when I want to scream because pronouns, verbs and nouns are boring for middle schoolers. Thus I am the bane of their existence or so it would seem. Daily. 

One student added a sweet message early on. So yesterday as I gazed upon my art and prayed for inspiration to serve well, I noticed yet another student has chalked a message.

“Help me Rizz”


There it was in yellowish chalk. 

A plea for the Lord to grant this one child the attributes that make for a cool kid. 

I snapped a photo and shared on my Facebook. 

Overall I wanted to share the positive, but I wondered if anyone would see it. 

This morning I received a text from a younger than me friend. 

She simply sent “Help me Rizz – every Middle School boy”

I felt seen and a little less alone today. 

I hope you have a circle of friends and family who get you and who love you and support you and make you laugh. 

Laughter is indeed good medicine.

Blessings friends

You are greatly loved <3

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