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Christmas Countdown 2021 Day 18 <3

Meet Nell.  My mom.  While I tended to wear basic black when tending to our children’s Christmas parties so as not to look conforming nor gaudy…my mom had a collection of holiday socks that she wore over her nylons from Thanksgiving onward to Christmas Day.  The infamous hand crocheted vest served her well for both…

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Top five from the weekend and a bonus…happy Monday <3

We had these two scoobies for the weekend and remembered why you raise children when you are young… holy moly, we are tuckered… but smiling big after counting a zillion ways we feel like these are the best years ever. We got to do some nature exploring, pic above is us collecting leaves for art…

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Love conquers fear…or at least helps it bow down to the One who casts it out

If you follow the blog, you know I was in Colorado Springs last weekend for a conference. It was held at the Glen Eyrie Conference Center on the property which also contains the home offices for The Navigators. The setting is absolutely breathtaking, as it borders up against The Garden of the Gods. …. Irony….