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Day 4 When we are clueless about what we really lack

Are you a Mary or a Martha? That’s a good discussion question for a women’s small group. We can spend a fair amount of time bouncing around self-analysis as we ponder the account of the two sisters welcoming Jesus into their home as recorded in Luke 10: 38-42. Now it happened as they went that…

It would seem we need no instruction in how to cheat…
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It would seem we need no instruction in how to cheat…

I have continued to puzzle over one of the Proverbs passages from last week…the one in Proverbs 19. An interesting couplet of thoughts that at first seemed unrelated in the NKJV. What is desired in a man is kindness…and a poor man is better than a liar. V 22 Kindness and how it relates to…