Wednesday randomness in the midst of a serious series

Wednesday randomness in the midst of a serious series <3

Glad you stopped by but we are taking a mid-week break in the series because…. life happens…. And this week has been full of time with my people …except for John and Zach…sigh… so here’s what’s been going on… we shot hoops… apparently investigated a crime scene… finished a sweater I started (ahem…after the reveal…
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Some randoms because we are all just way too busy…or at least I am today <3

Random #1: Best laid plans… Yesterday I made a list, checked it twice. Prayed over it. Lifted it up. And dove in. And pretty much every errand ended in a dead end or a U-turn. But along the way I saw soooooooo many people I know. Caught up here and there and was impressed over…