And this is why we have the category…”Musings of a Blonde Brain”

And this is why we have the category…”Musings of a Blonde Brain”

I added the category “Musings of a Blonde Brain” early on in this Journey for the simple reason that some days, the thoughts I have cannot be described any other way. Today is one of those days… because honestly…. much of the stuff going on out there in the world is just surreal to me….

God bless the coaches who know what a real win looks like…
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God bless the coaches who know what a real win looks like…

With three kids playing every sport known to man starting at age 4, we clocked in a lot of hours in yard chairs and bleachers over the years. We heard many a coach say at the opening of the season that he didn’t care if the kids win or lose, he just wanted them to have…