
Picture This

Yesterday at work I got in a conversation with a woman about looking back at old photos and wondering why we thought we looked good and what exactly we were thinking. She shared about a particular outfit captured on film that she felt very fashionable wearing at the time, but now brings her family to…


The Master Artist

Scientists might be able to give you a detailed explanation. Atheists might roll their eyes and smugly nod at each other as they get a good laugh out of it. But God painted these on our dirty windows this morning and I am absolutely delighted. I hope today brings you some new delight in our…

Reflecting and Evaluating

As surely as we put up the tree, decorated the porch, sent the cards, wrapped and opened the gifts, attended Christmas Eve, did the Advent wreath, etc, etc, etc….. (fill in your traditions)….. we are now most likely in two modes. We are remembering the year in some fashion and looking ahead to what 2014…